Ensure safety and improve quality of vegetables and fruit with our Antimicrobial Processing Technology.
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Each year in India, an estimated 100 million foodborne illnesses and 120,000 foodborne illness-related deaths occur, and 8 million disability-adjusted life years are lost.
According to UN FAO food loss and waste in India is nealy around 40%. The post-harvest vegetables and fruit loss is around 30% due to spoilage, chemical processing and storage.
Researchers have reported that artificial preservatives such as nitrates, benzoates, sulfites, BHT, BHA and several others can cause serious health hazards.
Frefoods improve food quality and safety of food using non-chemical antimicrobial food processing technology.
Antimicrobial Food Processing using 0% of chemical product during entire process.
Antimicrobial Food Processing remove 99.99% of pathogens from vegetables and Fruits.
Antimicrobial food processing improves the shelf life of vegetables and fruits to 2 to 3 times.
Antimicrobial Process is first completely contactless process in industry.
Preservation of organopletic, biochemical and other quality indicators of vegetables and fruits.
The antimicrobial processing helps to reduce the food wastage by extending shelf life of product.
A small step to serve healthy product to people.